The 26 Alphabetical Names of Jesus: A Comprehensive Exploration

The name “Jesus” is one of the most recognizable and revered names in human history. It is a name associated with love, compassion, sacrifice, and hope. However, within the rich tapestry of biblical and theological texts, Jesus is referred to by a multitude of other names, each offering a unique perspective on His divine nature, attributes, and mission.

This comprehensive exploration delves into the fascinating world of the 26 alphabetical names of Jesus. We will examine the biblical context of these names, their theological significance, and the insights they provide into the person and work of our Lord and Savior.

26 Alphabetical Names of Jesus
26 Alphabetical Names of Jesus

How Many Names Does Jesus Have?

The exact number of names attributed to Jesus is a subject of ongoing debate among biblical scholars and theologians. While there is no definitive consensus, it is clear that Jesus is referred to by a variety of names throughout the Bible. Some of these names are explicit and direct, while others are more symbolic or metaphorical.

The 26 alphabetical names presented in this article represent a significant portion of the names associated with Jesus. However, it is important to note that this list is not exhaustive. There are other names, both biblical and extra-biblical, that have been used to describe or refer to Jesus.

Names of Jesus

Before we embark on our alphabetical journey, it is helpful to consider some of the more common names used to refer to Jesus in the Bible. These names include:

  • Jesus: The most familiar and widely used name for Jesus.
  • Christ: A Greek term meaning “anointed one,” often used as a title or surname for Jesus.
  • Lord: A term indicating authority, power, and divinity.
  • Son of God: A title emphasizing Jesus’ divine nature and relationship with God the Father.
  • Lamb of God: A symbolic reference to Jesus’ sacrificial death.
  • Emmanuel: A Hebrew term meaning “God with us.”

26 Alphabetical Names of Jesus

  1. Alpha and Omega: This name, found in Revelation 1:8 and 22:13, emphasizes Jesus’ eternal nature and His role as the beginning and end of all things.
  2. Branch: This name, used in Zechariah 3:8 and 6:12, refers to Jesus as the Messiah who would arise from the line of David.
  3. Consolation: This name, found in Isaiah 61:2, highlights Jesus’ role as the bringer of comfort and solace.
  4. Counselor: This name, also found in Isaiah 9:6, emphasizes Jesus’ wisdom and guidance.
  5. Deliverer: This name, used in Acts 7:30-35, refers to Jesus as the one who would rescue God’s people from slavery.
  6. Emmanuel: This name, found in Matthew 1:23, emphasizes Jesus’ divine presence among humanity.
  7. Everlasting Father: This name, found in Isaiah 9:6, highlights Jesus’ eternal nature and his role as a provider.
  8. Faithful and True: This name, found in Revelation 19:11, emphasizes Jesus’ trustworthiness and reliability.
  9. First and Last: This name, found in Revelation 1:8 and 22:13, emphasizes Jesus’ eternal nature and His role as the beginning and end of all things.
  10. Glorious King: This name, found in Matthew 2:2, emphasizes Jesus’ royal authority and majesty.
  11. Good Shepherd: This name, found in John 10:11, emphasizes Jesus’ care and protection for His followers.
  12. Holy One of Israel: This name, found in Isaiah 40:25, emphasizes Jesus’ divine holiness and His connection to the people of Israel.
  13. I Am: This name, found in Exodus 3:14 and John 8:58, emphasizes Jesus’ eternal existence and his divine power.
  14. Jehovah-Rapha: This name, found in Exodus 15:26, emphasizes Jesus’ role as the healer.
  15. Jehovah-Shalom: This name, found in Judges 6:24, emphasizes Jesus’ role as the bringer of peace.
  16. King of Kings and Lord of Lords: This name, found in Revelation 17:14 and 19:16, emphasizes Jesus’ supreme authority and dominion.
  17. Lamb of God: This name, found in John 1:29, emphasizes Jesus’ sacrificial death and his role as the redeemer of humanity.
  18. Light of the World: This name, found in John 8:12, emphasizes Jesus’ role as the source of spiritual illumination.
  19. Lion of the Tribe of Judah: This name, found in Revelation 5:5, emphasizes Jesus’ courage, strength, and royal authority.
  20. Lord of Hosts: This name, found in Isaiah 1:24 and Jeremiah 3:15, emphasizes Jesus’ supreme power and dominion over all creation.
  21. Maker of Heaven and Earth: This name, found in Isaiah 40:28, emphasizes Jesus’ divine power and creative ability.
  22. Mighty God: This name, found in Isaiah 9:6, emphasizes Jesus’ divine power and strength.
  23. Prince of Peace: This name, found in Isaiah 9:6, emphasizes Jesus’ role as the bringer of peace and reconciliation.
  24. Redeemer: This name, found in Isaiah 41:14, emphasizes Jesus’ role as the one who sets people free from sin and its consequences.
  25. Savior: This name, found in Luke 2:11, emphasizes Jesus’ role as the one who rescues people from eternal destruction.
  26. Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace: This name, found in Isaiah 9:6, is a composite name that highlights Jesus’ many attributes and roles.
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Biblical Names for Jesus

The names listed above are primarily found in the New Testament. However, there are also several names for Jesus that appear in the Old Testament, often in prophetic or messianic passages. These names include:

  • Branch: Zechariah 3:8 and 6:12
  • Emmanuel: Isaiah 7:14
  • Everlasting Father: Isaiah 9:6
  • Glorious King: Isaiah 32:1
  • Holy One of Israel: Isaiah 40:25
  • Jehovah-Rapha: Exodus 15:26
  • Jehovah-Shalom: Judges 6:24
  • King of Kings and Lord of Lords: Deuteronomy 10:17
  • Lion of the Tribe of Judah: Genesis 49:9
  • Lord of Hosts: Isaiah 1:24
  • Prince of Peace: Isaiah 9:6
  • Redeemer: Isaiah 41:14

All the Names for Jesus

While the 26 alphabetical names presented in this article provide a comprehensive overview, it is important to remember that this is not an exhaustive list. There are other names for Jesus that appear in various biblical texts, as well as in extra-biblical sources.

Some of these additional names include:

  • Advocate: 1 John 2:1
  • Amen: Revelation 3:14
  • Author and Finisher of Our Faith: Hebrews 12:2
  • Captain of Our Salvation: Hebrews 2:10
  • Door: John 10:7
  • Firstborn from the Dead: Colossians 1:18
  • High Priest: Hebrews 4:14
  • Holy Child: Luke 1:35
  • Holy One: Luke 1:35
  • Holy Spirit: John 14:26
  • King of Glory: Psalm 24:7-10
  • Life: John 14:6
  • Living Water: John 7:38
  • Lord and Giver of Life: Acts 3:15
  • Lord of All: Romans 10:12
  • Master: Matthew 23:10
  • Mediator: 1 Timothy 2:5
  • Mighty Savior: Luke 1:69
  • Morning Star: Revelation 22:16
  • Only Begotten Son of God: John 1:18
  • Prince of Life: Acts 3:15
  • Prophet: Luke 24:19
  • Righteous Branch: Jeremiah 23:5
  • Root of Jesse: Isaiah 11:1
  • Shepherd of Israel: Psalm 80:1
  • Son of Man: Matthew 12:8
  • Truth: John 14:6
  • Way, the Truth, and the Life: John 14:6
  • Word: John 1:1
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Other Names for Jesus

In addition to the biblical names, there are also several other names that have been used to refer to Jesus throughout history. These names may be found in religious texts, hymns, prayers, or devotional literature

Other Names for Jesus

In addition to the biblical names, there are several other names that have been used to refer to Jesus throughout history. These names may be found in religious texts, hymns, prayers, or devotional literature.

Some of these additional names include:

  • Advocate: 1 John 2:1
  • Amen: Revelation 3:14
  • Author and Finisher of Our Faith: Hebrews 12:2
  • Captain of Our Salvation: Hebrews 2:10
  • Door: John 10:7
  • Firstborn from the Dead: Colossians 1:18
  • High Priest: Hebrews 4:14
  • Holy Child: Luke 1:35
  • Holy One: Luke 1:35
  • Holy Spirit: John 14:26
  • King of Glory: Psalm 24:7-10
  • Life: John 14:6
  • Living Water: John 7:38
  • Lord and Giver of Life: Acts 3:15
  • Lord of All: Romans 10:12
  • Master: Matthew 23:10
  • Mediator: 1 Timothy 2:5
  • Mighty Savior: Luke 1:69
  • Morning Star: Revelation 22:16
  • Only Begotten Son of God: John 1:18
  • Prince of Life: Acts 3:15
  • Prophet: Luke 24:19
  • Righteous Branch: Jeremiah 23:5
  • Root of Jesse: Isaiah 11:1
  • Shepherd of Israel: Psalm 80:1
  • Son of Man: Matthew 12:8
  • Truth: John 14:6
  • Way, the Truth, and the Life: John 14:6
  • Word: John 1:1

These names reflect the various aspects of Jesus’ nature, attributes, and mission. They emphasize His divine power, His sacrificial love, His role as the Savior of humanity, and His eternal significance.


The 26 alphabetical names of Jesus offer a rich and diverse tapestry of insights into the person and work of our Lord and Savior. Each name reveals a unique facet of His divine nature, His relationship with God the Father, and His mission to redeem humanity.

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As we explore these names, we are invited to deepen our understanding of Jesus and to appreciate the depth and breadth of His love and grace. By meditating on these names, we can draw closer to Him and experience the transformative power of His presence in our lives.

  1. How many names does Jesus have?
    • There is no definitive answer to this question, as Jesus is referred to by a variety of names throughout the Bible and in extra-biblical sources. However, the 26 alphabetical names presented in this article represent a significant portion of the names associated with Jesus.
  2. What is the significance of the name “Jesus”?
    • The name “Jesus” is derived from the Hebrew name “Yeshua,” which means “Yahweh is salvation.” This name emphasizes Jesus’ role as the Savior of humanity.
  3. What is the difference between a name and a title?
    • A name is a personal identifier, while a title is a descriptive term or honorific. For example, “Jesus” is a name, while “Lord” and “Son of God” are titles.
  4. Why are there so many different names for Jesus?
    • The variety of names used to refer to Jesus reflects the complexity and multifaceted nature of His person and work. Each name highlights a particular aspect of His divine nature, His relationship with God the Father, and His mission to redeem humanity.
  5. How can I benefit from studying the names of Jesus?
    • By studying the names of Jesus, we can deepen our understanding of His person and work. We can also draw closer to Him and experience the transformative power of His presence in our lives.

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